Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Originally I meant to blog about my couponing adventures. It must run in my family, though, because I am another who can not stick to one topic. So the title may remain "Momma's Couponing Again" with a few additions of my life, i.e. thoughts, knitting, crocheting, sewing, diy crafts, etc.
I tend to be a perfectionist in anything I attempt. If cooking, it has to taste good, and if knitting it has to look professional. Okay, not just "good." My family has not gained weight from just "good." It has to hit our tongues and say "BAMMMM! I'M AWESOME!" My knitting and crocheting is not that complicated either. I just follow the patterns doing my best not to make a mistake.
This perfectionist problem kept me from sewing for many years but not from purchasing that antique sewing machine and table at the thrift store! I just couldn't get the sewing right! So irritating.
Our home is now filled mainly with all of my crafting tools and diy ideas. My newest adventure is learning to tat. So I'm starting out Googling all I can about how to tat, befriending people who have conquered it, pinning sites with free patterns, and browsing for a tatting shuttle and needle (why not learn both styles while I'm at it?). I should be finishing the cowl, hat, and wrist warmers pattern I've just started knitting, but tatting has caught my attention.
This is what I have been working on in my knitting:
Drops 116-10

2012 © Copyright DROPS Design A/S

 This is not my pattern, and belongs to They have loads of beautiful and free patterns for knitters and crocheters to enjoy. I have enjoyed their patterns since I taught myself how to knit in 2006. Enjoy!

As we get closer to Christmas, there will be more posts from me. I'm hoping it will include some tatting. My family has spent many years wasting our money on quick gifts from the stores. Thinking back now, it seems wasteful since usually my children either did not play with their new items and/or the items would break easily. Also, buying items from the stores during the season not only brought on grumpiness and aggravation, but prevented us from being able to give to others like extended family, friends, and neighbors. So this year we want to do something different:

I refuse to waste any more money on junk. I am taking that stand to make beautiful items with my two hands and encourage my children to downsize on their Christmas lists to one major item. They are required to provide a gift to each other for Christmas each year any way, but this year I want to include the "handmade" concept in the requirements. Let's see if this encourages more of what Christmas was originally intended for:
Spirit of GIVING (not receiving)

The list can be made longer, but that is good enough for now. Off to crafting!!!...........

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